Rates for Interpreting, Translating and Proofreading (Editing)

<p><strong>AI-driven savings with the assurance of human-perfected quality or good old-fashioned craftmanship tailored to your needs.</strong></p>

<li><b>Translation and Interpreting:</b> Benefit from the expertise of an accredited professional.</li>
<li><b>Writing, Editing, and Proofreading:</b> Ensure your English is clear, correct, and polished.</li>
<li><b>Language Learning:</b> Learn a new language with tailored lessons.</li>
<li><b>English Tuition:</b> Quality tuition for students from Year 3 to Year 12.</li>

<p><strong>Fully on-line, confidential, professional service at affordable rates.</strong></p>

AI-driven savings with the assurance of human-perfected quality or good old-fashioned craftmanship tailored to your needs.

  • Translation and Interpreting: Benefit from the expertise of an accredited professional.
  • Writing, Editing, and Proofreading: Ensure your English is clear, correct, and polished.
  • Language Learning: Learn a new language with tailored lessons.
  • English Tuition: Quality tuition for students from Year 3 to Year 12.

Fully on-line, confidential, professional service at affordable rates.

All rates are in Australian Dollars. I also accept payment in other currencies.

Rates are negotiable. Please feel free to contact me for a quote/estimate for your project.

Please note: Using AI for editing and Machine Translation tools will significantly reduce the time and cost associated with your projects.

Proofreading, Editing, Rewriting, Writing
All services, minimum fee (up to 100 words)

Set fee

Proofreading, editing, re-writing, writing Standard $55.00 per hour
Technical $60.00 per hour
Proofreading editing, re-writing, writing over 10, 000 words Standard $55.00 per hour
Technical $60.00 per hour

Onsite Interpreting for Medical, Legal and Others
Business Hours Outside Business Hours
First hour or part thereof $85.00 First hour or part thereof $110.00
Subsequent 30 minutes or part thereof $35.00 Subsequent 30 minutes or part thereof $35.00
Daily rate - 7 hours $420.00 Daily rate - 7 hours $500.00
Cancellation fee more than 48 hours $0.00 Cancellation fee more than 48 hours $0.00
Cancellation fee less than 48 hours $55.00 or full payment^ Cancellation fee less than 48 hours $55.00 or full payment^
Cancellation fee less than 24 hours Full payment* Cancellation fee less than two hours Full payment*
Onsite, Telephone (and Video Conferencing) Interpretation for Courts
Sydney and Canberra Rural or Other Cities
First 90 minutes or part thereof $110.00 First 90 minutes or part thereof $105.00
Subsequent 30 minutes or part thereof $35.00 Subsequent 30 minutes or part thereof $35.00
Cancellation fee more than 48 hours $0.00 Cancellation fee more than 24 hours $0.00
Cancellation fee less than 48 hours $55.00 or full payment^ Cancellation fee less than 24 hours $55.00 or full payment^
Cancellation fee less than two hours Full payment* Cancellation fee less than 2 hours Full payment*
Outside Sydney & Canberra client to pay cost of travel and accommodation

^Whichever is less
*Full payment of booked duration; plus additional travel charge for Canberra; and travel and accommodation costs for courts outside of Sydney and Canberra.

Telephone Interpreting for Medical, Legal and Others​
Business Hours Outside Business Hours
First 15 minutes or part thereof $30.00 First 15 minutes or part thereof $45.00
Subsequent 15 minutes or part thereof $15.00 Subsequent 15 minutes or part thereof $15.00
Cancellation fee more than 24 hours $0.00 Cancellation fee more than 24 hours $0.00
Cancellation fee less than 24 hours $15.00 Cancellation fee less than 24 hours $15.00
Cancellation fee less than two hours Full payment* Cancellation fee less than 2 hours Full payment*

*Full payment of booked duration.

Translating and Tetum Transcribing
All services, minimum fee (up to 100 words) Set fee $55.00
Translating rates per 100 words (source text) Standard $30.00
Technical $35.00
Transcribing rates per 100 words (transcribed text) Standard

$20.00 plus
$25.00 per hour


$25.00 plus
$25.00 per hour

Transcribing rates per 100 words (transcribed text) more than 10,000 words Standard $15.00 plus
$25.00 per hour
Technical $20.00 plus
$25.00 per hour
Onsite translating in Sydney, above rates plus attendance fee Attendance fee per day $50.00
Onsite translating in Canberra, above rates plus attendance fee Attendance fee 1st day $125.00
Attendance fee per day subsequent days $50.00
Proofreading/checking translations rates Standard $55.00 per hour
Technical $60.00per hour
Proofreading/checking translations rates more than 10,000 Standard $55.00 per hour
Technical $60.00 per hour

Language Lessons and English Tuition

All language lessons and English tuition

$70.00 per hour

Contact me using the Rapid Contact Box on this page and let me know your needs. Group rates and other discounts may apply.

Make the Best Impression with Our Professional Services

  • Translation and Interpreting: Accredited professional services for accurate and reliable communication.

  • Writing, Editing, and Proofreading: Clear, correct, and polished English for all your documents.

  • Language Lessons: Fun and engaging classes in English, Indonesian, or Tetum.

  • English Tuition (Years 3-12): Experienced tutor offering quality education tailored to students' needs.

Contact Laurence Stevens for a quote or more information.

Rapid Contact:

Phone Contact:

+61 2 6172 1188